For the 2024-2025 cycle, the San Bruno Community Foundation is awarding Community Grants totaling $300,000 to local organizations for 29 programs that benefit the San Bruno community. The Foundation is pleased to partner with YouTube/Google.org, which provided $100,000 of the grant funds being distributed, on the Community Grants Fund this year. The grant awards include:
$10,000 to Capuchino High School Alumni Association to support the Capuchino High School music program and its efforts to provide students with high-quality music education and performance opportunities at an affordable cost
$15,000 to Circus Bella to expose the San Bruno community to the beauty of circus arts through free Circus in the Parks performances at San Bruno City Park
$16,500 to City of San Bruno to promote reading and early literacy while working to prevent the “summer slide,” where students lose some of the literacy gains they achieved during the previous school year over summer break, through the San Bruno Library’s Summer Reading Program
$10,000 to CORA (Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse) to provide a confidential and secure living space, safety, and trauma-informed wrap-around services and resources for San Bruno survivors of intimate partner abuse through the Safe House and Supportive Housing Program
$20,000 to Each Green Corner to empower students to address food insecurity and climate readiness through sustainable urban agriculture by supporting a Food Systems Educator to teach the Food Explorer Curriculum to students at Belle Air, Allen, and Portola Elementary Schools at their school gardens
$10,000 to Edgewood Center for Children and Families to provide low-income, at-risk, transition-age youth in San Bruno with mental health services, peer support, basic sustenance and hygiene supplies, transportation, computer and internet access, and life skills to improve life outcomes, foster independence, and build resilience
$5,000 to Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc., to assist San Bruno youth in addressing the root causes of probation, expulsion, and suspension through the Peer Point diversion program's partnership with the San Bruno Police Department
$5,000 to HomeMore Project Inc., to deliver Makeshift Traveler backpacks, which are specifically designed and outfitted to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness, to unhoused individuals in San Bruno and to connect them to available resources and services
$9,000 to Junior Achievement of Northern California to provide financial literacy, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship programming to San Bruno high school students, cultivating the knowledge and skills needed to move toward college and career success, through the Inspiring Economic Empowerment program
$15,000 to Latino Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services of San Mateo County to provide culturally based mental and behavioral health services to primarily Spanish-speaking San Bruno residents in substance abuse recovery and to provide support for healthy development into adulthood through a bilingual/bicultural young women's empowerment program
$10,000 to Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County to provide legal assistance to San Bruno residents facing eviction or living in substandard conditions with the goal of keeping them in their homes, preventing homelessness through enforcement of legal rights, and remedying inadequate living conditions through advocacy through the HomeSavers program
$5,000 to Marine Science Institute to enable underserved San Bruno students to experience meaningful, hands-on marine science and environmental education programs
$20,000 to Mindful Life Project to provide mental health and wellness support through comprehensive in-person, full-time mindfulness-based social and emotional learning programming at Belle Air and Allen Elementary Schools
$6,500 to Mission Hospice and Home Care, Inc., to offer free monthly drop-in grief support with experienced bereavement counselors for community members at the San Bruno Senior Center
$15,000 to Music for Minors to provide culturally relevant, standards-based, in-school music education to TK-2nd grade students at San Bruno Park School District elementary schools
$6,000 to Parkside Boosters to strengthen the community of students, teachers, staff, and families at Parkside Intermediate School by hosting schoolwide multicultural events
$5,000 to Partners & Advocates for Remarkable Children & Adults (PARCA) to support REACH, an inclusive, licensed day care program that provides before- and after-school care and summer camp programming for children with and without developmental disabilities based at John Muir Elementary School
$10,000 to San Bruno Improvement Group Inc. to enhance the downtown San Bruno community by fostering local business growth and promoting a vibrant, connected downtown area through the organizing of community-focused events
$8,000 to San Bruno Lions Foundation to support Second Harvest of Silicon Valley’s distribution of healthy food to San Bruno families in need through the purchase and installation of a container to store necessary supplies at Belle Air Elementary School
$20,000 to San Mateo County Community College District (Bay Area Entrepreneur Center of Skyline College) to catalyze economic and community advancement within under-resourced communities in San Bruno by supporting Skyline College students conducting community benefit and improvement projects through the Accelerate Fellowship Program;
$10,000 to Second Harvest of Silicon Valley to serve San Bruno families and individuals at risk for hunger through the distribution of healthy food
$10,000 to The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Particular Council of San Mateo County, Inc., to provide rent, utilities, and food assistance to San Bruno families and individuals at risk of homelessness through the Peninsula Family Resource Center
$3,000 to Society of West-Coast Artists to host a month-long exhibition of visual artwork by art students at Skyline College at its gallery in downtown San Bruno
$10,000 to Sonrisas Dental Health, Inc., to improve health equity in San Mateo County by removing systemic barriers to care, providing prevention education, and increasing dental utilization for adult residents of San Bruno
$7,000 to Spindrift School of Performing Arts to support performance arts opportunities in San Bruno Park School District schools through the purchase of a traveling lighting system to enhance production quality at performances, offer technical theater training to students, and bolster community engagement through a more compelling audience experience
$9,000 to StarVista to provide support to San Bruno families facing difficult challenges with interactive, educational workshops for parents, children, and caregivers to strengthen families’ bonds and connect them to community resources through the Early Childhood Services Program
$7,500 to Via Heart Project to treat cardiac arrest and prevent unnecessary deaths by providing hands-only CPR and AED training to 7th and 8th graders at Parkside Intermediate School
$12,500 to Wings Learning Center to empower autistic students, enhance their quality of life, and promote long-term success by providing school-based music therapy and offering music events to the broader San Bruno community of autistic and neurodiverse students and their families
$10,000 to YMCA of San Francisco to increase access to comprehensive human and social services and emergency safety case management assistance to San Bruno residents at a satellite site at Belle Air Elementary School

At the December 4, 2024, SBCF Board meeting, David Carducci of Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County explained how a Community Grant will assist efforts to provide free legal services to San Bruno residents facing eviction or substandard living conditions.

Ginny Marans of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Particular Council of San Mateo County, told the Board about the direct assistance the Peninsula Family Resource Center provides to San Bruno families at risk of homelessness.

Representing Parkside Boosters, Rowena Gomez discussed plans to organize schoolwide multicultural events to celebrate diversity and build a strong school community at Parkside Intermediate School.